co-produce with customers

It is important for a strong brand to co-produce with customers.

On5 July 2023, the NHS celebrates 75 years of service. This milestone coincides with co-production week ( 3-7 July 2023). It might surprise you to know that all commercial marketers can learn from NHS’ public sector experience with co-production. NHSE has had a strong focus on patient- involvement since 1936.

Sir Tony Blair highlights the value of patients to the service in his report, NHS Delivering a service fit for the Future. You can dive into it here

Patients are the NHS’ health-consumers. The role of customers/patients is critical to the success of any service-provider. Just like pollinators are critical for the ongoing success of our ecosystem. That’s why I have chosen a butterfly to illustrate this topic. A strong link to your customers is a key factor in driving your business’ long term success, just like pollinators renew growth in Nature. I have addressed the value of customers’ ability to keep your brand nimble in an article before, you can remind your self of how to stay ahead of your customers’ needs here

5 ways to co-produce with customers
1. Patients spot opportunities:

each patient and customer who returns home after a treatment will have  opinions about where there is scope for you to do better.  It  is likely that they will have noticed some unmet needs during their treatment.

If you act on their feedback your brand will grow stronger when you co-produce with customers

2. Patients are highly-motivated:

Secondly, Patients and customers are passionate about sharing their experiences to improve outcomes for others. We see this more nowadays thanks to social media which give platforms to those who want to influence others. An effective marketer will listen to and act upon their opinions, step in to engage with them .

You can co-produce a strong brand with customers’ insights.

3. Patients are problem-solvers

Patients are driven by the need for an immediate resolution to their problems because they are suffering in that moment. So they develop imaginative and resourceful ways for solving the problems they face. You co-produce with your customers to build a stronger brand.

4. Patients can stop you from making mistakes:

Patients are a valuable source of pre-emptive intelligence.

When you co-produce with customers your brand can last for decades .

5. Patients can add granular detail:

By virtue of their lived-experience, patients can offer insight into specific pain points in the service.

Therefore, If you take steps to listen to your  you can co-produce with customers to deliver a strong brand which will last a long time.

** Lisa Beaumont Thrifty Marketing Tip of the week:
Listen to your customers. Let them co-produce your service. Customers can be your workforce unpaid!