Fungus can teach us the hidden value of networking, which can help your business to grow. Did you know that fungi have been called ”the earth’s natural internet”? Fungus is made from a mass of fine threads called mycelia, and we now know that these threads act as a kind of underground internet, linking trees to bushes and plants around your whole garden. This connectivity between plants is used by them to share nutrients and to combine their strength to defeat unwelcome organisms by spreading toxins.
This week I have been busy with different types of networking and have discovered a range of business benefits during these activities. At a conference in London, I was able to get a wider perspective on the subject of brain injury. Observing the companies which participated by sponsoring the event gave me an insight into the potential sources of money for supporting this issue, and I made connections with individuals with whom I have plans to propose a commercial relationship in the future. I wouldn’t have had the knowledge and understanding to propose a project to them if I hadn’t taken the time to attend the conference.
Next, I went to a local group called Ladies Who Latte. It was my inaugural visit, and I didn’t know what to expect, but I was pleased to discover that this group is supportive and collaborative like mycelium. I saw some familiar faces and made useful contacts which may develop into clients over time. The members of this group clearly derive strength from pooling their experience and encouraging each other in their endeavours.
On Wednesday morning, I had to skip my regular informal networking group, #twmeetup. I have invested many mornings over the last couple of years in becoming well acquainted with the regular attendees of this group, and the time spent developing face to face relationships is now paying dividends because it is easy to stay in touch online with the members, who have become genuine friends to me.
Networking helps me to:
• Generate income for my business
• Share knowledge which is available free on my website
• Develop authentic friendships
• Spot opportunities for myself and my clients
• Combine my effort with others to present a united front for delivering shared solutions. For example, Ladies Who Latte plan to work together to offer work experience opportunities for youngsters
• Promote my voluntary causes, Different Strokes and UABIF
Like the plants in my garden, I will flourish thanks to my connectedness. It pays to network and to share expertise with others.
To keep up to date with my latest marketing tips, please join my free mailing list:
To make a plan for which networking groups are right for your business, consider booking one of the few available slots at the next Marketing Clinic event in central Tunbridge Wells on 15th November
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