Places to tell your business story
As a business-owner you have an opportunity to use the power of your own voice to tell your business story This blogpost develops the tactic of... More->>
Would you like to know how to get press coverage to deliver your goals?
Knowing how to get press coverage in the local and national press is an important tool in the marketing arsenal for any small business owner, at any... More->>
How to get more followers on twitter
Twitter is an extremely useful broadcast medium, which is free Knowing how to get more followers on twitter will enable you to build an audience ... More->>
How to promote your brand’s story
Nowadays knowing how to promote your brand's story should be at the heart of your Marketing Communications activities Telling your brand’s... More->>
How to develop a brand identity
It is important for every sole proprietor to understand how to develop a brand identity and maintain it at times of disruption The... More->>
7 truths about how advertising works
Learn the truth about advertising how advertising works Advertising is an important element in every Marketing Plan However, not many small... More->>
How to get value from your content
You might notice during a period of disruption in business that you have plenty of content on your website or on your shelves As business begins to... More->>
Remember to communicate clearly to inform customers
Though it is important to communicate clearly with your customers at all times, now it is more important than ever, as businesses prepare... More->>
How to prepare to take a new product to the market
I hope that you have stayed well, as you navigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on personal lives and commerce In your journey of business... More->>
Finding Customers: 3 Lessons from Penguins
Small businesses can learn from the rituals of penguins: Courtship varies among penguin species, and it generally begins with males who initiate the... More->>
Discover the hidden value of networking
Fungus can teach us the hidden value of networking, which can help your business to grow Did you know that fungi have been called ”the earth’s... More->>
Listen to these top tips on how Twitter can help you generate sales for your business to grow
This week I have reaped rewards from listening and would like to share with you my reasons for valuing social listening so highly I think that a... More->>
A guide for small businesses to maximise the impact of your marketing communications
Having written about Promotions last week, and thinking about what we can all learn from peacocks, I’ve spent this week developing my... More->>
Discover your inner peacock. Make promotions powerful with a strategic marketing plan
Promotions This is the final P which I introduced at the end of the previous blogpost about the P’s of the marketing mix Today I will provide you... More->>
6 reasons why it is relevant to include public speaking in the media /marketing planning process for a small business
Flamingoes can walk, fly and swim They choose the method which best suits their current requirement; they adapt to their need at the time A small... More->>
Finding Influencers
“How do I reach influencers in my field”, asked one of my followers Here are my top tips for finding influencers in your chosen field My first... More->>