The importance of knowing how to describe your audience cannot be underestimated.
The composition of your target audience will change annually to reflect changes in your market and society.
It will be crucial for you to be prepared to alter your communication tactics. I covered this topic in my business resilience series, you can catch up HERE
Springtime is an ideal time to address those changes. You might find that you need to redirect your effort. Similarly, in Spring daffodils stop relying on the energy supply in their bulbs and grow leaves above-ground to capture the rays of Spring sunshine. This week I’m sharing with you my guide.
How to describe your audience
I recommend that you reflect upon your current customers according to these attributes: demographics, lifestyle, purchase behaviour, household size, media consumption and generation.
You will find extra information on the actionability of these attributes in my downloadable document.
Probably, as the owner of a small business, you know each of your customers as individuals. Nevertheless, I urge you to consider how to describe your audience in 2021. You might find groups of them with shared themes. You might be surprised by how easily you can find the information you need at your fingertips if you keep an efficient Marketing information system.
Those groups will inform your marketing and communications strategies. You can Imagine that you have picked some daffodils and arranged them into vases together. Several vases are more use for decorating an interior than a single bunch of flowers.
Your customer-base will be more rewarding once you have completed the process of identifying sub-groups. You won’t seek to apply stereotypes but to reveal insight into their motivational triggers and values. You can find useful contextual data in publicly available reports. Such as this one on health issues in West Kent read more
When you take great care in knowing how to describe your audience you will unlock the value that is held in your customer records and fuel the growth of your business. You can find out how to turn this insight into action in this download.