This week has been a typical, busy week. I have been delivering a project to a client and welcoming new clients, too, while catching up on some days I’d forfeited to illness. The common theme throughout my activities has been customer service, hence my topic for this week’s blogpost. Is there more to customer service than a smile and “have nice day”?
Yes there’s lots more. Here are my 3 key points which I urge you to build into your business process:
1. Welcoming new customers: This post is illustrated by a bird feeding its chick. Like the chick, it is at the early stage that a new customer requires the most care and attention, especially if you hope to nurture them into becoming your ideal customer over time. Nowadays, the early stage of welcoming a new customer is described as on-boarding. This is an American term which covers the process of ensuring that all the basics have been put into place for the new customer, such as registration documents, legal documents, communication channels, email, telephone, etc. It is important to get all the necessary administration in place from the outset, and to do it well to create a positive first impression on your new client.
2. Deadlines: Keeping to your agreed delivery time is an important aspect of customer service, whether you are supplying a physical product, or a service, or a written report. The failure to supply the goods at the agreed time will damage your reputation with your customer, or even jeopardise your payment for the task. Meeting an agreed deadline is an absolute priority for good customer service, and keeping your client informed about any unavoidable alteration to the timing of delivery.
3. Brand Values: Your brand values must be evident throughout all contact with your customers: tone of voice, quality, style of communication.
What can an ideal customer do for your business? They will spend more than average, introduce other customers to you, and contribute to your marketing process by giving feedback and recommendations.
If you would like to find out how you can nurture your new customers into ideal, profitable customers, please consider booking a consultation with me on November 15th at