How to take control of your business for a successful year

Once you know the key to how to take control of your business it should become enjoyable for you to work hard and flourish, too.

The combination of business with a personal life is always a challenge for small- business owners. Therefore, it requires plenty of control to remain enjoyable. That’s why I’d like you to focus on this quotation:

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort” (JMeyer)

This blog post will give you some ideas about how to take control of your business throughout the year.

Effective, Strategic Marketing is all about planning and control

If needed, you can check whether you’re in control by looking at my input/output model HERE.

If you’re not in perfect balance, you need to take action.

I have chosen an image of dandelions to represent this topic because they capture the duality that’s implicit in of a lack of control. Dandelions may look like a flower ,but are they weed or wildflower? says weed

Does a lack of control /being very busy mean successful or disorganised?

How to take control of your business

You must have a control system embedded in your business to be productive and effective. Chaos is not creative.

What is a control system?
A control system is the key to the task of how to take control of your marketing activities and your business.

“Essentially the control system will detail the controls that will be applied to monitor the progress of the marketing plan and its success or otherwise in achieving the marketing objectives.” Fyfield p. 242.

You must know what you need to monitor to meet your marketing objectives. These will probably be a mix of financial and customer-centric measures such as satisfaction, awareness and positioning.

2 Ways to combat the weeds of inefficiency in your business inspired by dandelions

First, to remove dandelions; You can spray weed-killer on your lawn. Weed-killer is a blanket solution which will rid you of all weeds on your lawn.

A strategic Marketing Plan is the equivalent of weed-killer for your business. If it is applied responsibly it will eradicate all inefficiency.

Secondly, Individual attention, some dandelions will need to be removed manually. Take care to remove the long tap root to stop it from growing back. Any entrenched inefficiencies will need Meyer’s “focused effort” to create a better solution. For more tips on productivity and to have a business which runs smoothly sign up to this newsletter from Emma Langridge of Bramley Business Solutions. I have learned about: the use of checklists, templates and automations from her and when to delegate to an expert. I’m looking forward to a calm year without any weeds of inefficiency in my business.

I would like you to enjoy running your business with the knowledge that you have learned in How to take control of your business.