Tips to get new customers

When a business wants to grow, it must know how to get new customers.

However, many businesses struggle to get new customers despite having their Marketing Strategy in place. They survive by relying upon their current, loyal clients. Today’s blogpost gives you 3 tips for activities that can help you to get new customers. First, you need to know why it is hard to get a response from new customers.

McKinsey shared this useful article recently, in which they reject the traditional funnel model of marketing they state:

“The consumer decision-making process is now a circular journey” (McKinsey Quarterly: source)

So, this means that you will need to work hard to get new customers. There are many moments when your message might close a sale. Likewise a sea-horse needs to draw upon every element of its complex mating ritual to snare its mate. You will need to produce consistent messaging regularly so that all those stimuli can converge at the moment when a new customer is ready to buy from you.

3 tips of that can  to get new  customers

1. Make it shareable

Firstly, now that customers play a key role in spreading your marketing message on your behalf, you need to equip them with something that is easy for them to share. On digital platforms or verbally via word of mouth. You must find a memorable, newsworthy story to promote your brand widely through shares, chat or recommendations.

2. Price-messages

Secondly, When a price-message is seen at the right moment in the customer’s journey it can be powerful enough to clinch a sale. You can tap into your brand’s values with a price-message that rewards an advocate or good cause. A price-message need not be about discounts.

3. Advertising

Finally, I covered the ways to get results from local advertising in a previous post you can catch up on that here.

These 3 messages can converge to trigger a response at any point on your customer’s circular journey. Together these tactics will help you get results from new customers so that your business will grow.


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