The season of goodwill lasts all year for Marketers, you always need to consider the best way to thank your customers.
Therefore, Winter berries illustrate this topic well. Berries are a gift that trigger a cycle of growth.
Recently, I gave you some tips on how to find new customers That post explained that it takes a lot of work to find new customers. Your time and effort might be better spent by strengthening existing bonds. Keeping customers will be more profitable in the long run than chasing new ones. Paul Fifield sums up the academic research into this field when he states:
“The longer customers stay with us, the more profitable they become.”
Source: Paul Fifield. Marketing Strategy Masterclass, 2008 available here
The initial cost of their acquisition can be recouped by you over many years. The process for keeping customers requires planning, too. Knowing how to thank your customers is a key step towards not losing them.
Here are my suggestions for ways to thank your customers at the end of another difficult year. Remember the act of thanking is about them – it’s not about you. And your gratitude will be more powerful when you give your customers something that matters to them. It is an opportunity for you to draw upon all your knowledge about your customers which can be found in your sales data, your human connections and your gut feel.
Step forward the strength of local businesses. E-commerce reduces its customers to their transaction history and with the sole denominator of money. That’s why you might be sent an automated discount code after purchase, irrespective of why you chose that product.
My list of thank-you options are categorised according to the types of motivations that brought the customer to you in the first place.
3 Ways to thank your customers that link to their motivation for buying
Most importantly, if your customer chose you because your values resonate strongly, your thank-you can reflect that. Make an action that supports their charity of choice. For example, you can send them a Christmas card from their chosen cause. For business customers you can show thanks by making a recommendation. Also, you can share links on digital platforms. The equivalent off-line is to distribute their leaflets to your contacts.
Secondly, if your customer values the opinion of their peers’ knowledge that they chose your brand, they might value more recognition by you in a public forum. I’m pleased when my clients show thanks in tweets or LinkedIn. Likewise, priority access is an ideal cost-free method to reinforce a customers’ sense of privilege.
If they came to you because of your price, you can give them a discount voucher to share with those they love, friends or family.
Finally, if you spend time to select your mechanisms with care when you thank your customers. you can develop your connection with each buyer when you thank your customers. Like a winter berry, it will give them a reason to return next year.